So I took a while to post something new, oops. Well, I don't feel like being philosophical (then again: Have I ever?), telling childhood stories, inventing a short story, musing about inanimate objects, or anything else like that. So! Instead I will be showing you semi-weird things relating to my hands. Or maybe they really aren't that weird at all. Who knows? That's right, you dear reader. You would know. I, on the other hand, wouldn't. Right then.
First, I can do something kind of contorted:
Now, I will have it known that I can also do this weird double-jointed thing in most of my fingers...I'm not sure how to describe it, and I would show a picture except...I don't have one. And I also don't know where my camera is at the moment. Oh well, maybe a later post I'll remember to show a picture. We'll just have to see.
Next, W-X-Y. The almost-last three letters of the alphabet. If "Z" was fourth to last, then these be the last three. Unfortunately, "Z" is the last letter, and so these aren't and therefore must be referred to as "almost-last three" letters. You know, who even decided the order of the alphabet anyway? Who decided what shapes the letters should be, and how they should sound and how they should be arranged to create words? How did they decide what the words meant, and so on and so forth? Man, I'd hate to have to invent a language like that. At the same time, it could also be kind of fun.... Anyways...I'm not a master linguist like JRR Tolkien, so I could never invent a language. Nor would I want to. There would end up being too many people deciding I was crazy for how I arranged the language in all likelihood.
Oh right. So: Who decided all that? And by the time they got around to inventing American-English, did they just decide it was too much effort and that's why there's about a million exceptions to the rules? And, honestly, with there being so many exceptions - why bother with rules anyway? No one pays attention to them because they wind up being invalid. So why do we have to learn all these stupid rules? I mean, seriously.
Now then. How do they relate to my fingers? Just like this:
Take a look at the crevices created by the way the fingers are curled in on themselves. It creates those letters. Can you see it? Well, don't worry if you can't. Because:
And that is some things with my fingers that really have nothing to do with anything. It's just a random thing that I like to show people when a conversation slows to an awkward stop and I don't know the person. "Hey, look at how smart my fingers are! They know how to spell. I'm just so proud of them." Okay, minus that dialogue...and actually, I don't usually do that. Sometimes it pops into mind. It is a useful thing to show when a conversation slows to an awkward stop with someone you don't know and you know you'll have to be spending the next while with them.
Of course, that doesn't mean it'll help things any. It's more fun than anything to see them looking at their fingers afterwards to see if they can make any letters or shapes. And then they go, "Oh, look!" And you nod and smile.
With that: Good night and take care! ^^