I had a friend text me a very curious question tonight. It really got me thinking...thinking deeply, I daresay. I won't dive into everything I'm thinking, partially because I don't think I can right now. For the sake of...well...I don't know how to explain that in a way that would make sense. (Before you ask: Yes! This is indeed a serious post.)
My friend's question: "Do you think love can break through anything?" Her question caught me a little off-guard. Quite honestly, I didn't think such a question would cause me to pause so much and to reflect to the degree that I did. You see, I am in love with someone. Someone very wonderful and dear. And...this question gave me pause simply so I could reflect on that. It made me realize that he's even more amazing, patient, and understanding than I was already thinking. That's saying something, because...well...he's my kind of perfection, to put it simply.
Anyway, I can't get too into things about him right now. I've my reasons. Someday, I'll likely actually post about a story with him. But that day is not today yet. Someday though.
In all honesty...some of what this friend has been saying to me has really gotten me thinking very deeply about other things too. It's almost like I'm hearing what one of my best friends may have been saying in reference to me just a couple years ago. It's heartbreaking to hear, and...I can't help but wonder if that's how it was for them to watch me fall apart emotionally, once upon a time.
So. I wanted to share some of what I was thinking about love, and some of what I told her: "I think...I think true love can overcome any obstacle or trial. Breaking through barriers, though...I think true love more so would be that the one helps the other work through the barrier rather than break it to get to them. They encourage you to grow, and they grow with you...I dunno if that makes sense. And it could be different for everyone. But true love, in my opinion, isn't a destroying force - even if it were for a good cause. Love is gentle and sweet, understanding, and can overcome anything because of its calm and peaceful nature...because of its patience to see things through." I almost felt like I was describing my dear when I told her that. It's crazy. I never think I could possibly love him more than I already do, and then...every day, something will happen and all the sudden I love him more than I did two seconds ago.
But yes...it's been a reflective thing, that question, and some of her statements. I think I've had an increase in my love for my other best friends too. Crazy, right? Well, I guess love is a crazy thing...something that we may never understand completely. It's very mysterious, very open, and very real. It's a contradiction, but one that works so well. It always comes to you in the moments you aren't searching for it, and has a way of finding you when you've given up on the idea of love.
So, the moral of this post? (Yup, there's a moral this time.) Take a moment to just pause and reflect. Think about everything, see everything. Take a step back from what you're doing and just think. Take time to gain a deeper understanding, greater appreciation, and more sincere, true love of those persons in your lives that truly matter to you. Don't take them for granted...and don't ever let them just go. You were lucky enough for them to come into your life, so make sure you appreciate that and make sure you let them know how much you love and care - let them see that you won't let them go because you don't take them for granted. Give them a smile, and a hug. If it's appropriate (meaning it's your significant other), take a moment to give them a sweet and gentle kiss.... Let the kiss be something of love and patience and let it be a symbol instead of something that's also taken for granted.
Just pause a moment. <3
Well anyway. Have a great one! ^^