Okay. Confession time: I freaking LOVE Bon Jovi!! His music is just so inspiring, empowering, uplifting...so easy to relate to. :) Bon Jovi has easily become my favorite artist. So that is why the 17th was the most INCREDIBLE night of my life thus far!! <3 I got to see him IN CONCERT!!! :D :D :D <3 Oh. Mah. Happeniss. =3 Forgive the poor spelling, but I was going for the sound...like, hoping to convey my weird excitement-induced speech. ;)
Now then: I apologize for not posting for a long while again! I tend to get lost in my little world and then OOOH SHINY. You know? That, and I haven't really felt like I've had much to post about lately. XD My mom pointed out that the most exciting night of my life thus far is something I could post about. :) So...I don't really know what all to post with except that THIS WAS THE BEST NIGHT, EVER..! <3 I know I keep saying that.
Something fun about the concert was that I got to play around with making a new outfit. :D I wanted to do something a little edgy, but not my typical edge. (Because, I usually am a little edgy in how I dress, haha. But I'm more of a feminine-edgy.) As I was thinking about it, BAM! it hit me. I have this dress a friend gave me that's a little formal, but I could make it edgy. I put it on to see if I could do anything with it. Too much like a short Prom dress. Not that I ever went to Prom, so I don't actually know. It just looked like a dress someone might wear for such an occasion. Aaaand that idea was OUT.
But I had one thing I knew I wanted to do. I had an old pair of tights that had a hole in...the seat area. I'm a fan of recycling clothing when it's doable. I took the tights and cut out the bottom then measured and cut off the legs. I put it on and knew that's what I wanted to do. But what to put with it?? My tank tops were all super super loose, so they wouldn't work. Sure, I'd get the arm-effect I wanted...but it wouldn't look good. Then I was like, "My lace cami!" ...Which turned out to be missing. But it was okay. xD I just used another long cami that I had. :) Then that presented the problem of my bra straps showing. Luckily, I remembered I had a loose grey...thingy. I don't know what they're called. >.> But after using some safety pins to keep the sleeve area bunched up and off my shoulders, I wound up with a pretty awesome look. :D Add jeans, wedge heels, a choker, headband, and fingerless gloves to complete the look. :D
It was awesome! I felt like such a rebel having my shoulders showing in public. XD My look was described as "classic, sexy rocker" haha. I don't know about that, but I'll take the compliment nonetheless. :)
Anyway, the concert was amazing. We were totally in the nosebleed section, but it was so incredible. I loved how he worked the crowd. :) Haha, the best quote from him for the night was definitely, "I may not be as pretty as Justin Bieber...(booing from the crowd)...and I may not dance as well as Justin Timberlake...(more booing from the crowd)...but I've been around longer than both of them put together, and I'm not going anywhere! (crazed cheering from the crowd)" It was awesome. :D That man is seriously gorgeous for a 51 year old, just for the record. :)
He did songs off of their new album, and songs off of their old albums...and everything just flowed together so perfectly. :D He knew when to get the crowd up and dancing and singing along, when to do songs where everyone could sit, etc. Haha, I guess you do something for 30 years, you're going to be perfect at it. ;)
I just seriously could not stop smiling for the rest of the night. :) I LOVED being able to go to his concert! :D Just in case you couldn't tell. ;)
At one point (during the instrumental part of "Bed Of Roses") he sat down and started talking to one of the girls in the audience, "Are you texting? ... I look down and see her smiling and texting. Here, let me see that celly phone thing. Who are you texting? ...Loverboy, huh? 'This song is just for you, baby!' " Haha, anyway, there was more that I can't remember. But I bet that girl never deletes those texts ever. :D He was so entertaining!
I loved the people we were sitting in front of; the lady was so funny! I'm pretty certain I was annoying at least one person sitting directly in front of us, though...I am a very loud person when it comes to fan-girl cheering/screaming. ;) And something that we found to be really humorous is that a girl a few rows down from us kept waving something around. After a bit, dad realized it was a bra. We occasionally would look down and see if she was still doing this. After a while, her friends joined in! It was hilarious! Apparently that's something common for rock concerts...but usually more in the pits, closer to the stage. So it's most likely that they were doing it as kind of a gag to see if they'd get any reactions from people (social experimenting for the win. xD). :) I suppose I shouldn't find that so humorous, but I do. I've never been to a rock concert before, so I was absolutely fascinated by the variety of people as opposed to a Josh Groban concert. :D
Anyway, I'll put in some pictures now and wrap this up. :D
During one of his slow songs. :)
5 minutes before they started. :D
Right after we got there. :) My brother and his wife sat in another section.
During one of my personal favorites, "Bad Medicine"!! :D :D
And me after we got home. :) Rock on! xD Haha...then I crashed.
Well, sorry the pictures aren't all in chronological order. I'm a bit of a dork and forgot to add them in that order. :) I know, I know, I'm not all that "sexy". I don't aim to be. The comment made me blush a bit from embarrassment, actually. I just aim to look awesome, and I think I may have pulled it off. :D
With that: Have a great night, dear reader! :D And if you ever get a chance to go to a rock concert, do it. It's SO fun!! :D
Take care!
PS: And to do my awesome fingerless gloves justice . . .
I LOVE how feminine they are!!! :D :D <3 Just by the way. Okay, now I'm done. ;)