15 October 2013

Construction Site Photo Shoot

    So...this was seriously so much fun to do. :D It had been a while since I got to hang out with Jo, and we were laughing so much - it was so great to see her again. ^_^ It was a little bit of a spontaneous shoot. :) Sometimes I get into these moods and the only way I can think to express myself is to dress in some sort of unusual outfit and do a photo shoot. And then the other reason was that I wanted to work on a design for a new character and thought it would be fun (and less effort) to model for the character instead of drawing for the initial ideas. And then I decided to call Jo up and see if she was free to help out - so of course she had to become a part of the shoot too. :D I mean. She's simply epic. Plus I love taking photos of people. :D

    And then we went to a nearby construction site. :3

    Anyway. When we showed a few of the photos off, they were described as "Urban"...so...haha, I dunno. The shoot is open to interpretation. :)

This was prior to calling Jo. XD

And after calling Jo. :3

Yay for amateur photo-editing~ Aaand amateur graffiti skills~ XD

Aside from the blank wall just screaming for graffiti touch (...I don't encourage vandalism...I promise...), part of the reason for wanting to make this character with skates is because of...an unhealthy addiction I had to "Jet Set Radio: Future" for quite a few years. And by "unhealthy addiction", I really mean an unhealthy obsession with trying to beat it and be better than my brother and his best friend. >///>

As for not encouraging vandalism. I really don't. Vandalism isn't cool. However. I do have a great admiration for graffiti art and their artists. Because, that's what it is: Art. Especially after a project that a classmate did on graffiti in Humanities back in high school. His presentation was amazing, and he even did his own graffiti on plywood to bring in and show everyone. :) It was just awesome.

I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE this photo of Jo!! <3

...It was raining on and off. So, we had my umbrella to help shield the camera. :)

We thought this photo was cool because you can see the rain! :D

Don't worry. I am wearing bloomers underneath.

I just love her face so much right here. :D

Now we are out front of the building being worked on. :) It's the elementary school, to be honest. xD

And...here is the reason that I admitted it's the elementary school. ^_^ We call this photo "Reminiscing", since this is also the elementary school where we first met. :D Even if the school has been torn down and reconstructed...this is still where it all started. :)

Because...as Jo observed...we seem to do the "bored" expressions rather well. ;)

    Anyway...that isn't all of the photos we took...but I'm not about to go posting all 80+ here. ;) Some of the photos were also posted to my deviantart. :) So...there is our construction site photo shoot. xD

    Any thoughts or constructive criticisms welcome. ^_^

Have a wonderful day, dear reader! :D Hope it is filled with adventure and laughter! ^_^

PS: As a bonus, I present you with...the chickens. ;)

13 October 2013

Chickens Whine For Grapes!

     So, me and Jo went to a nearby construction yard today to do a photo shoot. It was pretty awesome. :) I'll be posting some of the pictures from that shortly. But first! On our way out, there were some chickens that started gathering by the fence in their yard and whining at us from across the street. My parents had picked grapes here not too long (family friends, haha) and so I knew from what they had told me that the chickens were whining for the grapes. :D Me and Jo went over and fed them grapes. More specifically, Jo fed them, I recorded. ;) So...I shall now leave you with...*dramatic pause*...a video~ So now you all get to hear what I sound like! :D Aaand get to hear my accent...we don't pronounce the letter "T" where we are very often.... XD


    I tried to attach the video, but it wouldn't work. So there is the link~ Hopefully the link works! Anyway. I thought they were cute. :D And we both thought they were hysterical. xD

Have a great evening, dear reader!

06 October 2013

Happy October! [Pirate Costume Concept.]

    Well hey, everyone. :) So, happy [late] October! October is one of my favorite months. <3 Why? Because...Halloween! Halloween is very near and dear to my heart, and I will probably never outgrow costumes. XD This year, me and Jo are dressing as Pirates together. I have been toying around in my mind with some different ideas and finally settled on a concept last night. I want to do a feminine, somewhat modernized Pirate. That means pink, and that means lace. ;) I rather liked how my concept art turned out and wanted to share it. :D So, this is my costume goal:

Done in Microsoft Paint. :)

    And I know it is hard to tell, but she's holding her hat behind her back. :) So, that is pink lace on the bottom of the blouse, and white tights under the shorts and boots. Ahh...I am so excited. ^_^

    So...I will take a picture in that pose on Halloween to share the results. :D Let it be noted, though, that my figure does not look like that! But yes. I am excited. ^_^

    And ohh! The dinner I have planned! AH! :D Stoked! I absolutely, undeniably adore cooking for other people. So what I have planned is a complete hay day for me. :) I will be posting about that on/after Halloween. ;)

    Hope you are all having a wonderful October so far, and have fun making your October plans! :D Feel free to comment and tell about any fun costumes or plans you have in mind for Halloween! I love hearing about that sort of thing. ^_^

Have a lovely night, dear reader!