28 May 2013

New Faerie Edit!

    Yeah! :D I feel so awesome right now! Now, before I get into this and show pictures, I will say this first: The colors will change depending on monitor screens. :) I say that because it looks pretty awesome on my laptop screen (where the editing was done)...but our home computer is very color saturated, which alters the colors.

    Right then~! ^_^ My mom took a picture of me while we down by a local lake. The wind had started blowing and I thought my hair looked more dramatic than it did, so I was trying to pose dramatically to go with the dramatic hair-blowing I was imagining. Then the actual photo...well, wasn't quite as dramatically epic as I thought it would be. We all know how that goes, right? :)

    Then boredom struck me two nights ago, and I decided to do a quick Faerie edit, seeing as I had taken a picture of a butterfly with different wings than my first oneNothing fancy, just more-or-less gluing the wings onto the image and "VoilĂ !", haha.

   And suddenly, after posting it on facebook, I had a vision of something completely awesome. Honestly, I didn't pull off what I was imagining (I gotta quit doing that, haha!), again. There were some limitations present by both the program and the images I was working with. :) But even still, I really enjoyed working on the picture. It took me probably about...*thinks*...14 hours? Somewhere around there. I am still, obviously, an amateur photo editor. :) This is the biggest editing project I have done so far. Even though it didn't come out how I was originally envisioning, and there is always room for improvement, I kind of love it. :D

    It gives me hope for future projects. I honestly haven't done any photo editing, at least of this nature, in months. I haven't been practicing...and I feel like in some ways, my skills have still somehow improved. ^_^ That is all I can hope for; improvement with each new project. So the next one should be even better! :D

    Here it is:

    Not perfect and, yes, cartoony in quite a few areas regardless of computer monitor, but...I still am happy with it. ^_^ Working on this helped me to relax, which is something I have needed.

    Here is to hoping that the next project will be even better and maybe even a little more realistic! :D I really do love doing this kind of photo-editing. <3

Have a great day, dear reader! :D

If you would like, here is a link to my first Faerie edit. :)

17 May 2013

A Local Beauty.

    Alright, I mentioned a waterfall I love to rock-climb at earlier, and mentioned some photos I wanted to share but could not just yet. :) I wish to share these now. Pictures are from sometime last year, I think, and most likely out of order. :)

Morning shot of the falls.

Zoomed angle of the first level.

Me on a shelf next to the falls on the first level. :) This shelf is also covered with fossils. ^_^

Me and my dad. :)


Fossils! :D

Starfish fossil! :D


Fossilized kelp root. (Or, what we believe to be kelp, we aren't sure.)

Fossilized kelp root. (Or, what we believe to be kelp, we aren't sure.)

Fossilized kelp root. (Or, what we believe to be kelp, we aren't sure.)

Me next to a half-cave with crystals formations in the beginning phases. :)

Crystal formation.

Crystal formation.

Crystal formation.

Second level. :D

Second level. :D

Me posing at the second level. :)

An ant.

Some kind of insects on a Dandelion. Not sure what kind. :o

Monarch butterfly on a thistle. ^_^

Tree berries. :D

What I believe is a daisy?

Flowers. :)

Flowers. :)

What we believe to be a piece of obsidian ("volcanic glass"), which fascinates me. :D

Centipede? Millipede? Something ending in "pede". :o

Snail. ^_^

Some kind of spider. :)

Opposite mountains.

Zoomed in on the opposite mountains. :)

Zoomed up on the opposite mountains. :)

Park trail when first arriving, or when heading back.

River rapids.

Close-up of the river rapids. :) Sadly, too shallow to do any white-water rafting!

Sunrise. ^_^

    And that is some of the beauty of one of my favorite places. :D Sadly...it is quickly turning into a dump-grounds, as well as an attempted tourist attraction...and people...people are coming in and changing natural formations to..."improve" nature...it pisses me off. I actually have grown to dread going there, because of how much people keep changing it, and because of all of the trash that has been dumped. And not just litter; like metal shrapnel too. I am actually going to start researching how to rally up a restoration project to restore the Falls' natural beauty, to get the trash out of there, to clean up the river, fix rotting wooden fences next to steep drop-offs to the river, etcetera. This place is beautiful, but severely abused and neglected. I want to try and do something about that. I feel that we as humans have a responsibility to the Earth to keep her healthy wherever we are, and to not alter natural beauties. But anyway, that is not what this post is about, I apologize. ^^;; I wanted to share some of the natural beauties up there with you. :) I know the shots are not great, but I hope you enjoyed them anyway. ^_^ There were more I wanted to share, especially in the way of fossils...but I lost the files on my computer. I need to clean it up, haha.

Hope you have a great day, dear reader! Remember to look for nature's beauty each day. ^_^

13 May 2013

True Love, Dating, And Marriage.

     Here is my take on true love, dating, and marriage:

    It is nothing complicated. It's like breathing. True love is pure and is simply there, inside of you. Love does not call for drama. If you're in love, leave the drama behind and out of the picture. It is unnecessary. Love should automatically mean that there are no third persons. You talk to each other about each other - you don't talk to other people about each other. What good does that do? If you want to know something about or say something to the person you love, just go straight to them. It really saves a lot of issues. If someone loves you, don't question them, don't test them; just accept that they love you and be thankful for that.

     If you love someone and they love you back, do not spend time asking anyone, God included, "Why? Why do they love me?" Just spend the time you have together right there with them rather than in your wondering mind. Spend that time grateful and live each moment together as if it was truly the greatest moment of your life. Each moment becomes sweeter if you do. Spend as much time smiling and laughing as possible, let yourself feel the emotion of love. Don't be afraid to feel. It is okay to feel.

   Once you have love, you have it. Love really is all you need - the Beatles were right about that one. There is no happier, more complete feeling. yes, you will still have your hard times and you will still have problems that you have to deal with and so will they, you'll likely have problems to deal with together too. But, if your sweetheart is having a hard time, just be there for them; whether they just need someone to listen to them, to talk them through something, or just need you to sit there with them in total silence. But, then, look at each other and think to yourself, "They are here, they are my meaning and reason, I can get through anything because this is my happiness right here." Because you really are each other's happiness - no matter how bad the rest of the world might get, you have each other.

    I do not believe in flirting and mind games. In love, there is no secrecy and you shouldn't toy around with each other's minds. That hurts. The point of love is not to hurt one another, but to heal one another and help one another. Yes, you will still hurt each other, but it won't be because you were playing games. It should be because you care about each other so much that sometimes it just hurts a little. Love is looking out for each other, is placing the one you love before yourself. It's a great system if both of you put each other first. Maybe you still make each other upset, but we're humans and that's just bound to happen. But don't prolong anything upsetting if it can be avoided. Resolve it as quickly as possible. Life is too short to spend a long time being upset at your love.

    Don't insist on having to be right all the time and do things your way. Love is equal. Both of you have equal say and just work on understanding one another as much as possible. Your love should know you as well as you know yourself...maybe even better. And you should know them just as well. Women, you are not always right. Sometimes it is your fault and you just have to accept that and admit it. It's hurtful to the man to say that he's wrong or that it's his fault. It's always a joke, "Oh, just let her be right. The sooner you learn that lesson, the less trouble!" But that shouldn't be how it works. And it's the same way flipped around. Men, you aren't always right either. You also need to admit when you're wrong. But then you both just have to forgive each other. Don't say, "It's okay" or "It's fine", because that's like saying, "It's okay for you to do this again"...and that leads to disrespect and mistreatment. Instead say the words, "I forgive you". Because it won't send that subliminal message of "you can do this again", but also because those three words can be some of the most healing and comforting words in the universe, especially coming from the person you love the most in this world.

    Confront problems together, as a team. Don't undermine one another. Working together, as you should, will likely eliminate the likelihood of undermining. Obviously, you will hold a lot of sway with one another. Do not misuse that. Don't go, "Oh...I can get my sweetheart to do this because they love me." No, no, no. Do not use each other. Love is not use. Discuss things with one another and decide together. Don't try to manipulate each other.

    Love is patience. True love can overcome any obstacle or trial. Why? Love is gentle and sweet, understanding, and can overcome anything because of its calm and peaceful nature...because of its patience to see things through.

     I believe in being romantic, and in making your intentions as clear and straightforward as possible. I believe in honesty and open communication. I believe in loyalty and dedication. I believe in time. I believe intimacy should be for marriage only, and I believe in marriage.

    Flirting is shallow and flirting means nothing in the end; flirting is forgettable. Romance is deep and something of quality, it creates meaningful memories.

    Playing games with one another's heads creates confusion, bitter feelings, and uncertainty...a relationship with that in it simply won't last. Straightforward intentions create clarity and confidence in one another, and that helps to create a solid foundation that will last.

    Keeping things in and to yourself creates paranoia because your sweetheart will think you're up to no good, even if that isn't the case. Just talk and be 100% honest - your sweetheart will accept you no matter what - and the talking will create trust and deepen your bond, another thing that helps to create a solid foundation.

     If you're in love with someone, let the world know and do not ever have eyes for anyone else - if you keep your relationship on the down-low, that increases your chances of being mistaken for single. If you love someone and they love you, you shouldn't ever hang out with your friend of the opposite gender alone - in fact, a friend of the opposite gender shouldn't be "my friend", it should be "our friend" that you see together.

    Don't rush into anything, don't be afraid to take the time to get to know your sweetheart and to develop your love for one another and strengthen it...don't just settle for any old person, settle for your right one and settle when you know you truly love them. You'll know, because you'll feel it in your heart and soul...but also because you'll go to bed thinking you couldn't possibly love them more than you do. But the next day, you love them even more than you did - and that's how it always is.

    Don't have sex before marriage because if you have sex with them, they won't see as much of a point to marriage and they may not have the same level of respect towards you because you've already given them everything and they didn't have to wait for it. Waiting should make it more meaningful and sacred - and it should be sacred because the overall purpose of that is to bring life into this world. But respect yourself enough to wait, and that will earn a level of respect for you from your sweetheart as well.

    Marriage is beautiful, and it shouldn't be avoided or shunned. That is my belief and I stand by it.

    Always, always respect and love one another. Have peace between each other, be one. Don't speak unkind words, don't do unkind things. Never abuse one another in any way whatsoever. That creates a safe, loving environment for you both, as well as the family you may have as time goes on. Love one another and your children...your children will feel a level of love simply by seeing that you love each other.

    There are so many problems in the world. Among them are: Cheating, abuse, and divorce.

    The following lead to cheating and divorce: Flirting, undermining, secrecy, looking at other people and thinking, "Hmm, attractive" or anything along those lines, having "my friends", harsh words, and neglect/ignorance.

    The following lead to abuse in various forms: Secrecy, looking at other people and thinking, "Hmm, attractive" or anything along those lines, harsh words, neglect/ignorance, dominance (example: "I'm right, you're wrong"), and losing your temper to violence.

    If you just keep love simple...it simply works. Because love should be simple.

   I think the generations that courted had it right. So call me "old fashioned". I am 20 years old, I was born in 1992, and this is how I feel. I feel that "the times" and "modernized love" are all completely wrong. The way they are done now is what leads to all of the problems there are.

    Men: Do not be men, be gentlemen.

    Women: Respect both yourself and your sweetheart; be a lady.

 Remember: Honesty, compassion, respect, loyalty, romance, communication, fun, happiness, laughter, understanding, chemistry, acceptance, teamwork...that's all important to love. You need it all.

With that, I hope you have a loving day, dear reader. :)

10 May 2013

Dandelions. ^_^

   I think the sweetest gift you can receive in life is a  Dandelion from a child. :) It's the sweetest thing, because a child is looking at them and going, "Ooh! Pretty flowers!" And they are beautiful flowers. :D They are very cheery. ^_^

    I love, love, LOVE Dandelions! <3 I have always loved them since I was a small child. Dandelions aren't "weeds" like a lot of people think. They are actually herbs. :) Plants with medicinal properties. So I actually make sure to let the back-back of our yard (we have a HUGE backyard - divided into "front-back" and "back-back") grow a TON of Dandelions every year. :D It always brings me a lot of joy to see them growing each year.. <3

    Anyway, there was a particularly beautiful cluster last week that I photographed, and I wanted to share. ^_^ I just think Dandelions are beautiful! <3

Have a beautiful, beautiful day, dear reader. ^_^

09 May 2013

(((Mad Kitchen-Scientist Cackle))) Recipe~! For you~! AND MEE~!

    Me and my dearest best friend of 14 years, Jo, were kitchen-scientists tonight. :'D I've been having some seriously intense cravings over the last few weeks, cravings that are weird because it's stuff I either don't eat too often or even have a bit of an aversion to. Pineapples, I have never liked. All of the sudden, I WANT THEM SO BAD. It's ridiculous. >.>'' The other foods? Anything spicy - the spicier the better, pineapples, honey, salt, pineapples, hummus, pineapples, cinnamon, and let's see...pineapples. ;) I've REALLY been wanting something sweet lately. SO. Guess what~?! :D Me and Jo made something...*dramatic pause*...delicious. =3

    We dumped a bunch of raw almonds and raw sunflower seeds onto a tray and preheated the oven to 350 degrees. Then we heated some honey up until it was super runny and dumped it over them, and mixed them all up so the honey coated them all, and spread them back out. Then we added salt and cinnamon and stuck them in the oven for 30 minutes. Pulled them out and mixed them again, seeing that the honey had liquefied a ton. Then we let them go another 10 minutes, and pulled them out. :) Added some more cinnamon and salt while they cooled and MMMM...delicious. :'D It makes my taste buds happy. =3 So, I wanted to share. xD Just, y'know, 'cuz I haven't posted a recipe before. I know this isn't an exact recipe, but it does make for a tasty treat. :D If you ever try them out: Enjoy~! <3

And, pictures, just 'cuz:

Jo and the treats. ^_^

Me and the treats. ^_^

Close-up of the treats. ^_^

    Anyway, I'm extra-excited about these because of all of my allergies. It's hard to get sweets when I happen to want them, which isn't very often. :o I actually don't eat sugar hardly ever, and usually I only have honey if I mix it into my tea (and even then, that's not always)...because sugar and sugar equivalents are pretty hard on my system. But, I'm excited about these, 'cuz they are yummy and safe for me and honey isn't super hard on my system...and yum. ^_^

Have a delicious day, dear reader. ;)

One thing! Make sure to put down parchment paper, because (as we found out the hard way) it is very hard to get off of the pan once cooled all of the way! ^^;;