17 September 2012

Post-Apocalypse Outfit???

     Okay, this has been weighing on my mind a lot lately. In case of a post-apocalyptic event…what would I be wearing?? I mean…I love dresses and skirts like crazy, so I wear them all of the time, but…the thing is…I don’t want to get thrown into the post-apocalypse wearing a dress or skirt. Don’t get me wrong: I so do not want to be wearing a baggy T-shirt and a torn pair of jeans either. I still wanna look sorta cute. But I do want to wear something efficient too. Cute but efficient. Now, first thing’s first: This is what I would put on that morning, expecting it to be like any other day. Well, any other day where I see the Sun (sick and so indoors a lot…drives me crazy. I love being outside). I would “upgrade” my outfit and such as I went on as needed.

     Now that I’ve mentioned the outfit. I’d better make other posts about my life as a post-apocalyptic survivor. Would I simply be another refugee constantly on the move and living in fear, or would I be one of the fighters struggling against the odds to keep what was left of the human race alive? Would the event be natural-disaster based, would it be alien invasion, would it be an outbreak of some kind, would it involve zombies at all (<--I’m not into zombies, so that’s a no)…what? Right then. Back to the outfit.

     As I've been thinking about it, and thinking about my location, I think that dark green would be a good color for my shirt. Long sleeved would be best. You see, I live near forested areas. So if I have a dark green shirt, I can blend in a little bit during the daytime, and at nighttime it would be almost as good as wearing black. Maybe even better since the forest is green. Having long sleeves? Simple: During the day, if it's hot I can push the sleeves up, if it's cold at night I can pull them down. Or it works for if it's cold during the daytime too. Of course, then the problem with that...what if the post-apocalypse happened during the dead of Winter?! Seriously. That would just be...spectacular. I mean, it'd be fine for one reason alone: I know how to make snow caves quite well, so it would be easy to build shelter.

     However....that makes the outfit a whole new issue.... I realize how shallow it must sound to worry about an outfit. I mean, that should be the last thing I'm worrying about if something struck, right? Oh, you sweet, naive reader~ What clothes you have on your back very well could affect your chances of survival. You want to blend in with your environment as much as possible, while at the same time having your clothing be durable and compatible with your environment. So, if it struck in the dead of Winter...gosh freaking darn it, I hate to say it, but I'd have to pull out my marshmallow of a coat. -///- It's this awful thing my mom got for me when I was in late Junior High. Years later, it's still sitting in the coat closet. It's a huge, fluffy white coat. But it would be handy in a post-apocalypse in the middle of Winter, correct? Lots of padding to keep me warm while I'm out and about doing whatever a survivor would be doing...and I could either lay on it in my snow cave so I'm not laying directly on the snow (psh, yeah right) or use it as a pillow. I wouldn't lay on top of it. I nap in the snow all of the time without a coat. >.>

     You see, something very nice about snow caves, for anyone who isn't acquainted with these wonderful things, is that they stay nice and toasty warm. You wouldn't think that snow, something so cold, could produce so much heat. Well, that's actually your own body heat coming off of you and getting trapped inside. It can't go out. Build your entrance low, so that you tunnel up a bit, and have your entrance facing away from the wind, and make sure to have some way to cover it. It'll keep any storms from getting in, and having something covering the entrance will prevent any furry forest "friends" from crawling in there with you. And all the while, you're nice and comfy. =3

     Of course...if it wasn't in the dead of Winter, then definitely the dark green shirt. Unless...unless it was Fall.... AH HA!!! I KNOW!!! Ha. I live by forests. What color is ALWAYS consistent no matter the season??? Brown. I shall wear a brown long-sleeved shirt. And then I won't have to worry about when the seasons change. Sounds flipping good to me. =D I shall wear a dark brown, long sleeved shirt with a square neck, gathers on the sleeves, and some lace at the bottom. Simple, efficient, cute. And with that I shall wear black jeans and...hiking boots with good traction. Those would be good to have. And of course I'll have safety pins on my jeans. Never know when a safety pin might come in handy. I will, of course, also have a hat. And a ponytail holder so that when my hair gets in the way and stuff, I can pull back.

      I rather like how this is going so far. xD

     Okay. I have a subject for my next few posts I think. =3 The next post will be about my post-apocalypse supplies. AND THEN...and then we'll get into the rest of it. xD

     Have a great day! =D