29 February 2012

When Security Cameras Are On (story!)

            I’m pretty into the idea of going to one of the local college’s usually free art museum. They get some pretty cool, pretty legit stuff to show sometimes. So sometime back in 2009, me and mom were sitting around with nothing to do. Dad was out doing something…I don’t remember what. Probably something with Young Men’s or something. Anyway, mom remembered that the museum had a Victorian display set up for the next while and asked if I wanted to go. Heck to the freakin’ yeah!

            Man. There were some really cool pieces there and some really beautiful ones too. Some of them were very thought-provoking with the symbolisms being used. My only regret on that trip is that I didn’t write down any names. There was one piece that was…well…let’s put it this way: How could we not pause and comment on this one? It was called something like, “Red Haired Beauty”. I guess if your taste in…people…happens to be that, then sure. I went over to this piece and just stared. Initial thoughts, excuse the language, What the hell is that? Looking back on that thought process, I should have said heck like a good Mormon girl. Eh, I do swear from time to time though, so no biggie to me…I apologize to some of my fellow, better-behaved members though. As I thought that thought and stared at this picture, I could hear myself saying, “Is that a man or a woman?” Mom came over after I asked that, curious.

She stared in shock at the picture at a momentary loss for words, “I…I don’t know.”

I couldn’t decide what it was either, so finally I responded with a, 
“It’s…a manly woman?”

“Or maybe it’s a cross dresser.”

“I hear that sometimes they used men as models back then….”

“So it must be a cross dresser.”

“Whatever makes him feel pretty I guess. Are you sure that it isn’t a woman who was most unfortunately made to look like a man..?”

            The conversation went on after that, and there were some people surrounding us that were laughing a little at our comments, but this story isn’t about this picture. Although, to this day, I still can’t decide what gender the subject of that picture was.

            There was a piece in particular that made me pause. I was observing it for at least an hour. It was huge and beautiful and amazing and very thought-provoking. Lots of symbolism. I was fascinated with it…but I haven’t been able to find out what the title of it was, sadly. But I fell in love with this piece.

            What I didn’t know what that the security cameras were on and that the security guards were bored. I guess if I was a security guard for an art museum, I would be too. Not much you have to do after all. Theoretically. There weren’t many people in the museum at that time, so they were bored. Naïve me is sitting here standing by this picture and pointing towards some of the areas to describe to my mom what I felt the symbolism was in those areas. I’m all, “Oh pretty pink, it must mean the artist was in love!” Ha, kidding. I promise I’m not that dumb of a blonde. I can certainly talk that way if I needed to though. >.>

            The next thing I know, two security guards approach us from behind. Mom’s nodding at what I’m saying and throwing in some input as well as to what she thinks. I keep going. And then….

“Ma’am, we need you to move away from the painting.”

            I keep going, not realizing the guard was talking to me.

“Ma’am?” I hear a few footsteps approach this time.

            I turn and look and point at myself like, “Me?” The guard nods, the other one is standing a few feet away. I put on my freaked-out face.

“What did I do..?”

“You were touching the painting, and that’s not allowed.”

“Huh? No I wasn’t. I was pointing at it, but I never touched it…what makes you say I was?”

            The guard then proceeded to tell me that on the cameras it looked like I’d been touching the painting because of the way they were angled and because of how close I was. Then the guard apologized and also explained why it’s bad for the painting to be touched. (I was sitting there thinking, “Yes, I know why.”)

        And then I was told to stand a few feet back.

            Needless to say, we left shortly after because I was really embarrassed.

            But what I didn’t know, my dad pointed out later that night, was that behind the wall was a bunch of security guards with tasers, ready to spring if I put up resistance. You see, the guards on camera duty had seen me and talked into a walkie-talkie for them all to hear.

“Code red! One of the paintings is in danger!”

            They all rushed down there in their boredom, hoping for something to do. The ones that didn’t get there first were waiting to give backup if needed.

            So the moral of the story: Be careful when security cameras are on. You never know when you’ll encounter a bored security guard.

            Not that I’m saying they shouldn’t have come talk to me – no, no. They should have. If it looked like I was touching the painting, they have a job to do. I like the fact that they do their jobs…I’m just being a bit of a brat. ^^;;

            Have a good one!

16 February 2012

Oh And My. I Just Remembered Names..!

    Okay, so...I just realized something terrible. I keep saying things like, "Oh, next post I'll talk about this or that" and then I never do. It's true. So, I'm going to prove myself wrong and post something I said I would. >.> Names. More specifically, code-names. Of people I will or won't mention. Of course, if I tell you the name of someone I won't mention...I just mentioned them...so that doesn't work.... Re-phrase: People I may or may not mention on a frequent basis. *Nods*

    Right then! Here goes. ^^

Jane = ...Used to a best friend like a sister, and no longer is, and never will be again. >.> Life happens.

Blake = ...Used to a best friend like a sister, and no longer is, and never will be again. >.> Life happens.

Jo = Best friend like a sister. Old childhood friend.

Todd = Childhood friend.

My brother or Reaper = Brother. (Who would have guessed?? *all hands raised* ...Okay 'class', yeah, I know. >.> )

Chainlink = Brother's best friend whom I call a brother also.

Reaper's girl, my brother's fiance, or Manda = My brother's fiance, soon to be wife. (Also so non-obvious, right? Okay...I know...you probably guessed that one too....)

Mom and/or dad = Parents. (Really? Yes.)

Me, myself, I, etc = Bryn (that's me..). >.>''

My dear = The man I love. <3

>>>I'll also mention old High School persons from time to time, but will likely refer to them simply as "a friend" or "an acquaintance".<<<

   Well...that's all I can think of right now. These should be everyone I've mentioned so far. Should be. Doesn't mean they are. But theoretically they are. I'll likely add-on to this from time to time. You never know. Heck, I don't even know. Oh...but I do. I have an idea, that is to say. And an idea could be like knowing...potentially...if the idea were to turn into a not idea, meaning it's for real. SO THERE!!! I do know. =3 Sort of. Mostly.

    I've gotta go Tubing up in the mountains now. xD Later! Have a good day. :)

Who Needs A Man On Valentine's When...

   Haha, so it was Valentine's Day, as you all probably knew. :) So me and my best friends are all single. Yeah, kind of typical, I won't lie. xD That's okay. Anyway, we tend to all feel a lot of various ways on Valentine's. Towards all the cute Oh-And-My happy couples, we feel happy for them and are all like, "You're so cute together! I'm so glad for you! Aww!" <3 Kind of a thing.

   Typically we're like that though. And that's because it is cute. We have to flip out over cute things. x3

   However! Ahh...Valentine's Day is just different...seeing such a largely concentrated amount of mushy, happy-joy-joy, "I love you" things from several fronts all at once makes us feel a combination of the following: Happy for them, nauseated, loserish, sad, and a little bitter. Can't really explain why, I just know we do. =/

    Anyway! So what do I do like the attempted-optimist I am?? ^^ I get my besties over so that I can cook them a Valentine's dinner (Jo couldn't make it though *sad face*). =3 I even got them cheap chocolate and roses (me and Blake delivered Jo's to her...complete with me singing - haha!) I know it's not the same as a guy taking you out for Valentine's, but it was still fun. We talked and joked around, even sang along to some music we had playing and danced a little. *Grin* Best part? They didn't get food poisoning. xD Yes...there's a, uh, story behind that. >.>'' I won't dive into it just yet, haha.

    They wound up having to pitch in to cook the dinner because we got started late for various reasons, but it was still really fun and nice and we just had a great time. ^^

  I jokingly said at some point, "See? Who needs a man on Valentine's when you've got a romantic friend??"

    Here's a picture from our dinner:

    Of course...then today I was really in a romantic mood apparently. Hee hee..? ^^;;

    We took like a ton of pictures yesterday night, and one of them I nearly deleted before putting it on the computer. It was one of those ones that hadn't turned out the way it was supposed to (meaning I wasn't looking and accidentally cut off my head; self-photography doesn't always go down the way one would like it to). But then a thought stopped me, "I may be able to use this later."

    I have a lot of pictures I do that with. I don't particularly like it, or I may even really hate it. But I hold onto it because of that thought. And next thing you know, weeks-to-years later: I have a use for it. Who knew? xD

    Today, was a photo-edit of a romantic nature. =3 I shall post it. I won't post the original because I don't feel like it. But this is the edit. And that's me. ^^ I'm so cheesy, haha. It's amazing how something so simple as words can make someone feel so happy and light.... :)

    And with that: Good night! ^^

10 February 2012

Dragons Don't Drink V8

    I'm here to talk to you, dear reader, about something not-really-that-important. Dragons, mainly my Alduin figure that I got in the Skyrim collector's that I named "Fluffy", do not drink V8. They just don't. Do Dragons strike you as the type to go drinking purified vegetables (that's what V8 is, right?)? No. Well, I don't know. Maybe they do. But they don't strike me as that type. They do, however, strike me as the types to eat lost keys.

    You see, my brother frequently loses his keys. Or forgets them. I'm not entirely sure with that boy. So whenever that happens, and we see his keys, I place them so that it looks like Fluffy is eating them. Then I tell him "the strangest thing happened; I heard this mightily ferocious roar" over by wherever it is that his keys were and "then I saw Fluffy high-tailing it downstairs, and there was some sort of jangling sound".

>>>Side note: By the way, did you know that "jangle" apparently has two definitions..? Yeah, seriously. One is the typical definition: The sound of metal against metal, like with keys or something. The second apparently means someone's talking angrily. Who knew? Well, maybe you did. But I didn't. It's kind of like "quail". Quail is typically defined as a kind of bird (and they're so cute the way they bob their heads and how when they walk around with their babies they line up, one parent in front then all the babies then the last one in back - aww!! <3 Yes, I have strange definitions of "cute" apparently). But the second definition is "to cower in fear". And then the word "quell" means "to put down by force". So two sentences with that? "I demand that you quail before me or I shall quell you!", or, "Quell the Quails!" ...Poor Quails. Ohh, wait. "I demand that you quail before these Quails or I shall quell you!"  xD Right, so...moving right along. If you look to your upper-down-left, you'll see Darth Yoda with mashed cookies. And we're back on topic.

    And he knows, after I tell him about Fluffy and the jangling sound, that his keys have now been located. This morning, though, my eyes beheld something disturbing. A bottle of V8 beneath where Fluffy is perched atop the TV! Dragons do not eat...er, drink. Dragons do not drink V8. In my opinion.

    It makes them less intimidating. Then again, I suppose it could be argued that "every growing boy needs to eat his vegetables"...I guess Dragons could fall under that category. Unless it somehow turned out that this was a female Dragon..? Ha! What a laugh. I know it's a boy. And, you know, every growing girl probably needs her vegetables too. >.> You ever wonder why it's never said to girls and just boys? It's like that with a lot of things.

    So that either means that girls are more cooperative than boys, or that girls don't have to eat their vegetables if they don't want to. I learned loop-holing, justification, and how to twist words around at an early age. What can I say? Maybe it's the vegetables. The habit just sticks as you get older, and eventually those sorts of things just become second-nature.

   Right! Oh, haha...nailpolish...oh gosh, don't even ask, I'm sorry. I just saw some nailpolish. Forgot I had those. Anyway, back to the Dragons. You know, my brother's friend, we'll call him Chainlink, was talking to us the other day.

>>>Side note: I think I should list out people that I'll mention, and the names I use for them. Technically I refer to all of us in code. >.> Next post might be that then. Just be something like "Chainlink is my brother's friend" and "Jo is one of my besties" sort of a thing.

    So Chainlink was talking to us. Technically mostly me. We were talking about the beautiful Skyrim. Then we got talking about Dragons, naturally. He pointed out that the only reason you brush your teeth is to get bacteria out (probably food particles too though) and you can get rid of bacteria with extreme heat. Therefore, do Dragons have to brush their teeth or do they just have to breathe fire? And would they really have smelly breath like everyone says? The smelly breath comes from said bacteria. So if they breath fire at you, why would it be smelly? (Because they ate sulfur..?)

    Good point, my friend, good point.

    With that, I shall now leave you. Good day! And remember not to feed your Dragon V8 and to have them breathe fire so they don't have smelly breath. Important life lessons there. Really. Okay, not really...Dragons don't really exist. (But how cool would that be if they did?! Ah...I'd want a pet Pseudo Dragon...those things are so cute. They could just perch right there on your shoulder. =3 Ahh, sorry...D&D geek moment. Bye!)

04 February 2012

Instigator of Nightmares (An Old Short Story!)

    Alright, well...for lack of a better post...I'm posting an old short story of mine. See, I had some other docs that I'd saved potential Blog posts too, except, well, now I sort of can't find them. Which is actually making me pretty angry. So! I came across an old short story and was like, "Sure! Why not?" I wrote it for Mythology class back in High School. It's not exactly my best writing, but oh well. Enjoy ~

    She slowly enters into a realm of savage nightmares, a realm that I have created from her own fears, leaving behind the realm of blissful dreams she was just in. Her imagination has betrayed her and I watch with pleasure as she puts forth a futile effort to escape the creature I have created. Soon the creature catches her in its claws and plays around with her, as if she were a toy of sorts, before preying on her. Her anguished cries fill the night and her parents rush into her room. But they cannot wake her from her nightmare now - no one can. She is too far in to be disturbed from her once-peaceful slumber. I smirk as I enter the nightmare personally. Turning myself into a demon, I step forth from the shadows. I chuckle darkly as I ignite the forest surrounding her bloody body. I permit her to live through the creature's attack only to sit up and see the unnatural flames surround her. She looks around and points at me once she spots me, fear very apparent in her eyes. I raise a clawed hand and the blue flames jump up on her and begin to consume her. Once again her cries tear through the night. She fidgets around, trying to knock the flames off of her. Her parents finally manage to wake her and I fade from her mind back into the dark recesses of the shadows of her room. She hugs her mother tightly and tells them in frightened tones what has just occurred. Before they can spot me, I quickly leave through the open window.

    I merely smile as I move swiftly from shadow to shadow, weaving in and out of light - too fast for most to see. Those who do see me think it is their eyes playing tricks on them. I am on my way to my next victim, and no one can protect him or her from confronting their own fears. After all, if I had to face my fears: Why not the rest of the world? Besides, I was one of those sick, sick people who enjoyed nothing more than to watch others suffer. I relished in others' pain; I thrived on it. I loved nothing more than listening to the anguished cries of the innocent.

"I am one with shadows, one with the night, one with my hatred and one with the fears of the world. I am the instigator of nightmares." I whisper the familiar words as I continue on.

    Yeah, as I said: Old work for school. Typically speaking, I never put in my best effort for school. Just never felt like it. Besides, knowing that I only had to make it interesting enough for a decent grade...well: Why kill myself to write something amazing that's just going to be forgotten about in a few days anyway? As long as I get a passing grade, I'm good to go. But it's still fun to read through some of those old writing assignments. =3

    Oh, right...suppose I should explain. It was for Mythology class, as I specified. The assignment was to make our own creation myth to explain some sort of naturally occurring thing. I chose nightmares.

    Good day! ^^