10 February 2012

Dragons Don't Drink V8

    I'm here to talk to you, dear reader, about something not-really-that-important. Dragons, mainly my Alduin figure that I got in the Skyrim collector's that I named "Fluffy", do not drink V8. They just don't. Do Dragons strike you as the type to go drinking purified vegetables (that's what V8 is, right?)? No. Well, I don't know. Maybe they do. But they don't strike me as that type. They do, however, strike me as the types to eat lost keys.

    You see, my brother frequently loses his keys. Or forgets them. I'm not entirely sure with that boy. So whenever that happens, and we see his keys, I place them so that it looks like Fluffy is eating them. Then I tell him "the strangest thing happened; I heard this mightily ferocious roar" over by wherever it is that his keys were and "then I saw Fluffy high-tailing it downstairs, and there was some sort of jangling sound".

>>>Side note: By the way, did you know that "jangle" apparently has two definitions..? Yeah, seriously. One is the typical definition: The sound of metal against metal, like with keys or something. The second apparently means someone's talking angrily. Who knew? Well, maybe you did. But I didn't. It's kind of like "quail". Quail is typically defined as a kind of bird (and they're so cute the way they bob their heads and how when they walk around with their babies they line up, one parent in front then all the babies then the last one in back - aww!! <3 Yes, I have strange definitions of "cute" apparently). But the second definition is "to cower in fear". And then the word "quell" means "to put down by force". So two sentences with that? "I demand that you quail before me or I shall quell you!", or, "Quell the Quails!" ...Poor Quails. Ohh, wait. "I demand that you quail before these Quails or I shall quell you!"  xD Right, so...moving right along. If you look to your upper-down-left, you'll see Darth Yoda with mashed cookies. And we're back on topic.

    And he knows, after I tell him about Fluffy and the jangling sound, that his keys have now been located. This morning, though, my eyes beheld something disturbing. A bottle of V8 beneath where Fluffy is perched atop the TV! Dragons do not eat...er, drink. Dragons do not drink V8. In my opinion.

    It makes them less intimidating. Then again, I suppose it could be argued that "every growing boy needs to eat his vegetables"...I guess Dragons could fall under that category. Unless it somehow turned out that this was a female Dragon..? Ha! What a laugh. I know it's a boy. And, you know, every growing girl probably needs her vegetables too. >.> You ever wonder why it's never said to girls and just boys? It's like that with a lot of things.

    So that either means that girls are more cooperative than boys, or that girls don't have to eat their vegetables if they don't want to. I learned loop-holing, justification, and how to twist words around at an early age. What can I say? Maybe it's the vegetables. The habit just sticks as you get older, and eventually those sorts of things just become second-nature.

   Right! Oh, haha...nailpolish...oh gosh, don't even ask, I'm sorry. I just saw some nailpolish. Forgot I had those. Anyway, back to the Dragons. You know, my brother's friend, we'll call him Chainlink, was talking to us the other day.

>>>Side note: I think I should list out people that I'll mention, and the names I use for them. Technically I refer to all of us in code. >.> Next post might be that then. Just be something like "Chainlink is my brother's friend" and "Jo is one of my besties" sort of a thing.

    So Chainlink was talking to us. Technically mostly me. We were talking about the beautiful Skyrim. Then we got talking about Dragons, naturally. He pointed out that the only reason you brush your teeth is to get bacteria out (probably food particles too though) and you can get rid of bacteria with extreme heat. Therefore, do Dragons have to brush their teeth or do they just have to breathe fire? And would they really have smelly breath like everyone says? The smelly breath comes from said bacteria. So if they breath fire at you, why would it be smelly? (Because they ate sulfur..?)

    Good point, my friend, good point.

    With that, I shall now leave you. Good day! And remember not to feed your Dragon V8 and to have them breathe fire so they don't have smelly breath. Important life lessons there. Really. Okay, not really...Dragons don't really exist. (But how cool would that be if they did?! Ah...I'd want a pet Pseudo Dragon...those things are so cute. They could just perch right there on your shoulder. =3 Ahh, sorry...D&D geek moment. Bye!)

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