09 June 2012

It's Been A While.. o.o

     So. It's been a while since I last posted. Oops. I been meanin' to. >.< I just keep getting sidetracked. But I have my dearest friend, Jane, to remind me that I need to update my blog. Not that she's apparently been stalking it or anything. Not sure how I feel about that. >.> I love you too, Jane.

      Since I don't particularly feel like thinking up anything to post about (I'm tired), I'm just gonna show off a photo edit I did 'cuz I'm an oddball geek like that. xD See, I'm way into Fantasy and Sci-Fi stuff, in case you didn't catch that from some earlier posts. ;) I have a picture of me that I edited just last night to be...THAT'S RIGHT! A Mage or Sorceress, whichever term takes your fancy. Which is funny 'cuz I don't usually have the patience to develop Magic-users for my video games, or for D&D. The few times I've tried...I've gotten way frustrated. That's okay. I can appreciate a great Magic-user in a book or something. =3 So, here's that picture:

     Moral of the story? Geeks are epic. Why? Because I'm epic. Which means the other ones are too. Just because my opinion counts for at least 10 people. Right on. (Haha, kidding, my opinion doesn't really count for that many.... xD)

Have a good one!