20 December 2013

Quick Christmas Gift Idea~! ^_^

    I, haha, hesitate to make this post in case anyone I got this for is reading. >///> But I know how grateful I always am to get a suggestion for a fairly inexpensive gift that I can do for multiple people. :)

    So, Christmas is coming up. :) And I know that there are a lot of fellow last-minute shoppers out there. I now know three young married couples (two of which are just barely~<3 ) and I wanted to do a gift that was to both of them, instead of getting a gift for each. I mean, to be honest...with two of them, I don't really know the spouses - at least, not well enough to get them a gift. But I don't want to give the one I do know a gift and have their spouse feel left out. You know? Anyway. I kind of liked what I put together, and was like, "Hey! I could post that as an idea for any fellow last-minuters! :'D " ...Maaaybe not quite like that. XD

    Anyway, I felt like overall it looks kind of classy, or, at least, how I arranged it prior to packaging. :) So, I felt like it looks kind of classy, it treats them both, and to an extent it eliminates the guess-work of if they will like it or not. I mean, who doesn't love treats~?

    The best part? Most of it can be found at a Dollar Store. :D So it is also inexpensive. Great! :D

    I also did one for my Grandma, so...it can also work for an individual who you want to give a nice gift to without spending a lot of coin. :)

    Without further ado, I present you, dear reader, with this:

With my make-shift mini photography "studio"...haha...it's not really. I just set up some tissue paper. XD But I do now understand how to set up a make-shift photography studio, people-sized, if ever needed. :) Sheets. :)

Right. So, a Martinelli's - found at Wal-Mart for $3, give or take. Two wine glasses, $1 each. A bag of individually-wrapped peppermints split between the two, $1.

Add in a small box of chocolates, we believe there are five in there but aren't entirely sure, for $1. This is for the chocolate lover of the two. :)

Add in a small tin of...those holiday cookie things. >///> For $1, and for the one who doesn't enjoy chocolate quite as much. :) Funny how that seems to work. Even for the couples who both like chocolate, there seems to always be one who LOVES it, and the other just enjoys it from time to time. xD Not always, but typically.

For my brother and his wife, I also got a bag of sour gummy worms. My sister-in-law LOVES chocolate, my brother hates chocolate but LOVES sour candy, and both enjoy shortbread cookies. :D

And then I put tissue paper in the glass so that the candy wouldn't randomly do something weird to the glass, as per mom's suggestion. I...don't think they would since they are individually wrapped, but...maybe..? *shrug* Better safe than sorry, as they always say. ;)

And then for the the glasses, as well as the sparkly, wrap them each individually in tissue paper.

Aaand situate them into a bag of your choosing. :D I made sure to disperse the weight as evenly as possibly so that they don't pick it up and fall over. ;)

    For the grand total of $8. :) If only doing it for an individual, then $7. If adding a little extra like I did for my brother, then $9. Either way, under $10. ^_^ So...that's my random little idea~ If you have any ideas, dear reader, for last-minute shopping - please, feel free to comment! :D

Have a great evening, dear reader! ^_^
Post again soon!

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