22 January 2012

A Silent War (Story Time!!)

    Oh and my. It has been quite a while, oops. Blonde moment? xD Okay, so seriously. Been a while. Honestly, I actually temporarily forgot that I have a Blog. I'm blonde, need I say more? Although...my hair is starting to go a little reddish. Still mostly blonde though. Does that mean if it goes all red someday that I have to change my Blog name..? Well, I will always be a blonde at heart if anything. I'll still ramble like one, I promise! Hee hee, so I have to write about a story.

    But first! I remembered something interesting that I learned about myself. So for whatever messed up reason, I sleep best when I dream about something warlike. Don't ask me why because I seriously haven't the faintest clue. Anyway, I discovered that I actually sleep really good if I can snuggle with a wooden sword instead of a teddy bear. Like, seriously. It's so messed up. >.>''

    So! The story? Yes, it's about a silent, slightly psychological war with a SPIDER. o.o I hate those little beasties. With a passion. I used to play with them when I was little, and then...I was told about poisonous ones. Didn't know what "poison" was, and it was explained to me. Now I fear them. I've tried so hard to get over it. My friends find it kind of messed up that I know so much about spiders considering how much they scare me. Reason for that is: I used to carry around a magazine dedicated to spiders and read it every day and look at pictures and I even went to the internet to further that research. It didn't work. But the knowledge is supposedly useful..?

    Right. STORY TIME!!! Okay, so the story...I can't remember the actual dates for, it was a few weeks ago though. So I'll just say the days. And yes, this is a true story.

LOG ONE. Wednesday.
>>>Today I sighted something horrific. So horrific, I dare not speak...but I must. I spotted a spider. A black spider with orange on it. It scurried across the bathroom floor from the vent under the sink. I tried to kill it, but the moment I turned to grab a shoe it was gone. I know it's in there, just taunting me. Hiding, very likely in plain sight, just giggling with sheer delight that I can't see it but it can see me. It's waiting for the right moment to strike, I just know it.

LOG TWO. Thursday.
>>>I couldn't go in there today for like ever. I finally determined to put on my flip flops and spread a towel on the floor, it made it a little easier to go in. But still I was scared that the little beastie would come out and nibble on my toes and eat me! But that must be it's goal. To scare me. Maybe it'll eat me, who knows? But it's primary goal is to freak me out, I'm certain of it!

LOG THREE. Later on Thursday.
>>>It has now become psychological, this war. I can feel it watching me when I walk in there. Is it hiding under the sink still? Perhaps behind, or in the wall? I can't see it, and I hate it. I had to tip-toe in there because of my paranoia.

LOG FOUR. Friday.
>>>It's still going. I had to wash my hair today though, and that was freaky. Because I had to kneel on the tub and put my head in there under the water. That's practically making myself a target for the spider! I should name this spider. I know. George the 2nd. In honor of Blake's spider, George. But yes, I felt exposed. I couldn't handle it. Finally I gave up on the idea of conditioning my hair, and just did the shampoo. Stupid spider.

LOG FIVE. Saturday.
>>>George the 2nd is not dead yet. However! I felt fine to go in the bathroom today. Is he even still in there..? Needless to say, I washed my hair properly today. Now, where is the spider if he isn't in the bathroom anymore?

LOG SIX. Sunday.
>>>Still no signs of George the 2nd. But I know he's still in the house...somewhere.

LOG SEVEN. Monday.
>>>While pacing the hallway today outside of the bathroom, I came to an abrupt halt and felt compelled to look in the crevice of one of the hall corners. And lying there in wait to pounce upon my toes...yes...George. That stupid spider finally showed it's ugly face. I told him stay put, and he did. Three hours later someone came to help kill him. My brother. He kill the spider. But it was a long, painful battle. We couldn't get him. So I told him to squirm around, and the spider tried to make a run for it. But finally after like 10 minutes, it died. Mostly. By the time we squished him completely...well, it was just long. I find that we are now the victors, and yet I feel...incomplete. I wasn't the one to finish him and his wretched little plans off. But at least we can all sleep better tonight. Rest in pieces, George the 2nd. A moment of silence for an unusually  strategic spider.

LOG EIGHT. One Week Later.
>>>I find myself wondering something. Is the silent war truly over, is it? Could George the 2nd really have been a Georgette and laid an egg sac..? I hope not. We'll investigate soon.

    Well, that's the story. Hope you enjoyed! ^^ I'll post again later.

    PS, Happy Late New Year! Don't you just love the fact that it's 2012..? This ought to be an interesting year.


  1. That. Is. Hilarious!!! Aren't you proud, I finally remembered how to log in to my Google account. :D And it looks like your blog might now accept comments!

  2. Whyyy thank you. ^^ *Tears of Joy* I am, just so proud!

    Haha oh dear.. Wonder why it's accepting comments now?
